Meet little Alexis Bartlett from Sydney, Australia, born not only with charm but also sporting a head full of hair from the get-go. It’s quite common for babies to take about a year or two to grow enough hair for pretty bows and bands, but Alexis is already ahead of the game.
Even before she graced the world with her presence, an ultrasound X-ray gave a surprising glimpse of Alexis’s luxurious locks forming. Imagine the delight and wonder of seeing such a rare feature appearing so early in a baby’s life, a few short weeks after conception!

Six months flew by, and Alexis was turning heads everywhere with her gorgeous shoulder-length tresses. Her parents, filled with both excitement and a bit of anxiety, got their first inkling of her hair during the ultrasound. They saw what looked like little Alexis possessing hair on her forehead, back, and even her bottom!

Her mother, who was also born with a head full of thick hair, says that Alexis is a mirror image of herself as a baby. As fate would have it, this baby mama juggles parenthood with being a professional barber! This family irony adds a special twist to Alexis’s story.
This incredible baby attracts a lot of attention. They even caused quite the stir while playing at the beach, captivating crowds with her impressive hair-do.
Take a look at these delightful pictures of this charming baby girl:

Alexis Bartlett’s story is not just about having plenty of hair, but it’s also about the wonder and joy that new life brings to a family. For her parents and all those who have the pleasure of meeting this small bundle with big hair, it’s a tale of delight worth sharing.
Her journey, starting with a simple ultrasound revealing a unique trait, continues to unfold, bringing smiles and curious glances wherever she goes. It’s a testament to how wonderfully diverse and surprising each new life can be, and Alexis is leaving a charming mark with every strand of her lovely locks.